First of all, one needs to realize that whose fault to begin with. Of course not us. We have tried to do our best.

08 Jul 2023, 16:40
First of all, one needs to realize that whose fault to begin with? Of course not us. We have tried to do our best. As we explained earlier, bitmart asked us to pay a lumpsum for migration of contract and I think why should we pay for it so we moved on without paying them. We are still negotiating. And for that matter, we cannot delay the migration due to bitmart thus the announcement of transfer. Imagine if we ignored bitmart holders completely you would be more pissed. Second thing is every investment has a risk and reward. We have already thought about an alternative way before bitmart holders flooded our telegram. However, the reaction during the past days has given me a second thought on my call of action. As such, continue supporting and showing us the community what you have to offer first before anything else. Nothing is promised or nothing is certain at this point. No promise on anything as it’s never our faults to begin with. Hope this clarifies your questions and for others too. Don’t need to dm dev individually. Don’t waste your time